Sunday, January 17, 2010

love those blogs

I just have to say how much I love having time to check blogs, e mails and face book and that there is such a thing. I know there are a lot of other really important things I need to be doing but I just feel better when I check in on the blogs. I wish they would have been around when our children were little so I could have been able to post photos to share with my parents who were so far away. We had the occasional phone call (and by the way, long distance was expensive then) and a family letter that eventually made it around to all my brothers and sisters homes to keep us updated, that was about it.

It brought me tons of joy just now to see the smiling faces of our children and grandchildren as well as all the great photos and news from friends and family. Keep posting because I love it!!


Emily said...

I love it so much too!

Jill said...

It is such a blessing when we're far away. P.S. Of course I'll be sending a family picture your way.

Anonymous said...

I remember those family letters and you just couldn't wait till they made it back around. Whose idea was that anyway. I kinda miss them.