Friday, July 2, 2010

So far so good

Everyone knows by now that Brucie retired in June after 48 1/2 years with the railroad. He planned for several months and felt it was time and the he was ready for the change. I on the other hand, was in denial. I didn't take him seriously for a long time and then when I could see it coming closer and that it was really going to happen I began to panic at the thought of change in our lives. What would I do with him around the house all day? Would he be happy not working at the job that he has truly loved since long before I met him? Can we afford this? What will we do about insurance? On and on I went with my skepticism while he seemed positive and happy.

It's been a month already and so far so good, we have pretty much celebrated all month with family and friends and he has worked hard in the yard and hardly bothered me at all!! As a matter of fact, I have really enjoyed having him around!

Here are a few highlights.
Mt. Hood train ride with the family was so much fun.

Party with friends, check out this exceptional gift from Ken Splinter. If you haven't seen the video Warner made for the occasion, check it out on his blog
Kellen, Joseph, Justin along with Caleb (not in the photo) were so excited and hung their heads out the window watching the train go most of the way and never took their hats off. So Cute!
We're off soon to celebrate with the rest of the family who couldn't be here. PARTY ON!!
Who wouldn't like retirement if this is how it's going to be? We'll see.