Saturday, July 11, 2009

So much for the dry boat

We did it again and it was really fun but we are looking at each other now and asking what were we thinking? Dad can't do anything half way so he gets in there are starts water fights and plays hard and I actually had to work hard and row and help this year so we are both EXHAUSTED! We were on the river 5 1/2 hours not to mention the six hours in the car.

I don' t have many photos because until the last minute I was going to be driving the lunches down river to meet them and didn't get a water camera, hat or other much needed items but I survived. We were the so called "dry boat" and if that means not getting into a lot of fights, it was true but we did take on a lot of water and got totally soaked working our way through the rapids without tipping over, (that was my ultimate goal) thanks to our captain, President Bay.

It was a beautiful day and we just couldn't stop saying how grateful we are for where we are blessed to live.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

June was great while it lasted

I just have a few minutes before it's time to sit out but I wanted to post a few pictures. I love Summer and dearly treasure every day. June went way too quickly.

We had a fun few days with Kellen and Caleb, they were a little leery about staying three and a half days without Mom and Dad but did just fine. I made a quick trip to WA with Marc and Connie to see Jill and the boys for a few hours and it was so fun to spend time with them and see how the boys love to be together. They all change so much in just a few months, it is incredible.
Other than that, I was quilting and doing wedding prep both of which were lots of fun.
I love taking my time getting ready for the day and having a relaxing breakfast (outside even) with Dad, watching a little of the Today Show and doing what I want.
The tramp was a big hit, Kellen loved the sprinkler and we had a water fight.

I realize now that Enchanted Forrest can be a little scary for children this young but they were good sports. Why did they have to make all those nursery rhymes so frightening?

Aren't they just the cuttest?

Quilt #1 finished and sent off for our new granddaughter due to arrive any time!!!
HAPPY 4th of JULY!!!