I was so happy when I woke up this morning and realized it was March! I am not a winter fan or a cold weather fan at all. I wouldn't have made a very good pioneer as Bruce loves to point out to me, he loves all seasons and is happy rain or shine, I envy that. It's not that I am unhappy really, I have a great life and feel very blessed, everything just looks and feels better to me in the Spring. I bet I'm not alone in this. What is your favorite season?
February had some real fun days and here are a few photos.
Marc, Connie, Kellen and Caleb were here for Valentine's Day. Grandma Ruecker was also in town and we took the boys to Build a Bear. Check out their finished product. SO cute!! You can't see that Kellen's bear had roller skates, that was all he really cared about.