We were so lucky to have Emily and the kids visit for a week this month because of her class reunion. She was busy with the reunion for a couple days so that gave us time to play with the kids, it was great. To make it even more fun, Jill, Joseph and Justin came down from Seattle for a few days. Here are a few favorite photos.

Carly is really enjoying her piece of Grandpa's corn on the cob. It was slow coming this year but finally made it and was delicious. I can't say as much for the tomatoes though, they still aren't ripe except for the hanging plant tomatoes, they did great.

After a fun afternoon at SPLASH, we had a picnic with the Mitchells. Warner and I exchanged our gifts and they were great, as always. It was a very fun evening but the boys were exhausted and Easton got a sliver in his foot so it was bed time. Another fun thing about the week was the great weather and we were able to sit out every night and visit with Em and Jill while we watched for the plane.

Here is Joseph having a good time at BOUNCE, they ran and played for an hour and had so much fun. Jill, Em and I were anxious to leave as it smelled in there:)

The kids had such fun together, jumping on the tramp, watching movies, riding bikes, picking blueberries and most of all playing with Grandpa's train.
I love this picture of Em and Jill, look at her adorable baby tummy! Thanks girls for making my birthday extra special.

I almost forgot this picture of Carly, Em was at her reunion and we were watching the kids, it got real quiet so Dad went looking for her and found her IN the suitcase. Cutie Pie!

I'm grateful for another birthday and all the love shown by my family and friends. Life is so great!